Every Sunday from 10 AM to 12 PM PST, Chubby Beagle hosts an animation live stream featuring drawing games, tips, industry news, and much more. Once a month, we hold a special event called Drawpal-A-Palooza, where we invite talented artists to join us for a live drawing jam filled with fun and creative chaos! Each month features a different theme to inspire our drawing games, so you never know what you might see. Join us on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/billdrastal and keep an eye out for announcements regarding the dates of Drawpal-A-Palooza!
Sadly, due to the recent Southern California fires, e have had to cancel the Drawpal event for January. We will resume live streaming in February. Our hearts ho out to everyone affected by the devastating fires. If you’re in the animation guild please visit https://animationguild.org/disaster-relief-resources/ for a list of helpful resources. If you’re able, please consider donating to https://www.redcross.org/ or any charitable organization helping with wildfire relief efforts. Take care of yourselves and each other out there!